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Real Talk: How Sharing Our Struggles Can Transform Lives

I wish more people would talk about their shit.

Their healing journey, life’s hardships, lessons, and how they overcame them. What challenges them? What do they struggle with? And on the flip side, what truly excites them and lights them up? What experiences made them who they are today?

The good, the bad, and the ugly. All of it. Real, raw, and authentic.

I think if we were more open in sharing our journeys, we’d show others they aren’t alone in theirs. We ALL have our shit, our different struggles. We’d give ourselves and others a lot more grace and compassion if we could see into each other’s lives. But what matters most is how simply sharing who we are can ripple out and change the world around us without us even realizing it.

Who would we be if we wore less armour and had more grace and compassion for the rest of the world? When we share our stories, it shows others what’s possible. It gives them permission in their own lives to go after that goal, seek the help or support they need, cut themselves a little slack—whatever may be landing for them.

Reflecting on my own healing journey, as a young girl, I would have been influenced and conditioned so differently. Raised by a single mother and growing up with lack, I developed core beliefs around scarcity and money. Among many other things, I had low confidence and self-esteem. I didn’t even think post-secondary education was an option for me because I believed only ‘rich people’ could afford college. I was so rooted in that belief that I didn’t even seek out other options. Poor people didn’t go to college, and that was that. I was more focused on working as much as possible to support myself.

I’ve overcome many hurdles in my life, but I didn’t start attempting to jump these hurdles until I was in my early twenties. I think I would have started believing in myself much sooner if I hadn’t had to work so hard to seek out evidence and be inspired by other people’s experiences.

If we were all more open, if we didn’t hide our struggles, if we knew we weren't alone and could overcome our problems—just look at all these people who’ve done the same—what would we do with ourselves?

I think we could all learn so much from one another if we were willing to be more open and vulnerable about how we’re actually doing behind closed doors. How we’re actually doing in our day-to-day lives and what we’re working to overcome.

Sometimes just giving something truth and space, honouring it, and witnessing where we are on our journeys is all we need to clear and shift something inside of us. But instead, we like to shame and guilt ourselves and compare ourselves to others. Things can look pretty great on the outside, but rarely are they the full picture of what they appear to be.

There’s a special kind of magic and power when we learn from one another, when we heal, share, and meet ourselves together. When we witness and hold space for one another.

So maybe, just maybe, next time a friend asks you how you’re doing, let them know how you’re really doing. Not the ‘good thanks, and you?’ polite fluffiness. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to struggle or be dissatisfied in your life.

We don’t always need to be positive or whitewashing our experiences. We’re human. We’re going to have ups and downs. It’s part of the human experience. And it’s all welcome.

If you're looking for some community support I'd love to personally connect and hold space for you during one of my free community calls, (hosted on zoom on the first Monday of the month) or in a 1:1 session. I'm also looking into hosting a local community support group here in Edmonton once I find a space. Be sure to sign up for my mailing list if you'd like updates!

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think!



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