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New Beginnings in Alberta: Embracing Change and Finding Community

Hey everyone! šŸŒŸ

Iā€™m back in sunny Alberta and feeling oh so happy after waking up in my own comfy bed! After three long weeks away, there's nothing like the comfort of home. Iā€™m thrilled to be back in my own space, sipping my beloved MUD\WTR (which I sadly forgot to pack šŸ˜±šŸ˜­), and whipping up some delicious food for myself.

Traveling was a bit of an ordealā€”delays and an unexpected red-eye flight left me exhausted. I didnā€™t get much sleep on the plane, but Iā€™m here now, easing back into my routine.

Yesterday, I landed just after 4am, took a cab home, unpacked, started laundry, and ventured out for a bagel and hashbrowns from the nearby McDonaldā€™s since nothing else was open. My apartment was empty of food, and I hadnā€™t eaten in about 12 hours. I also washed my dusty car, then forgetting how bright it gets in Alberta at 5am, wondered why the grocery stores were still closed. It was quite the morning!

After a much-needed nap, I finally got groceries and felt like a different person. This trip marked the first time I returned to Edmonton with my own home waiting for meā€”not just visiting, but truly coming home. After three weeks away, the cityā€™s energy feels different, less overwhelming and more inviting. Maybe my recent trip to Toronto for a concert shifted my perspective.

I want to be honest with you all. This move has been incredibly challenging, stretching me to my limits. My nervous system is on high alert, and Iā€™m using every tool I have to support myself through this transition. Iā€™ve had moments of disappointment, feeling like I overestimated my ability to succeed here quickly. It's been slow going, with unexpected expenses and a steep learning curve.

As always, Iā€™m tuning into my intuition to let it and my heart lead me. Itā€™s a learning curve to stay out of my head, but Iā€™m committed to rebuilding my business in a way that supports me thriving, not killing myself over the little things that I think I shouldĀ do and perpetually burning myself out. Itā€™s time to get clearer on myself, my messaging, and who Iā€™m here to serve. Hereā€™s whatā€™s next on the docket for me:

1ļøāƒ£ Finding Balance:Ā First up, I'm looking for a job to alleviate some financial stress, putting my business on the back burner while I rebuild it slowly. This will allow me to focus on what truly lights me up without burning out.

2ļøāƒ£ Making a Home:Ā My apartment still feels like an Airbnb. I have plans to make it feel more like home, but it will take time, especially with more boxes arriving from Ontario soon. Itā€™s a process, and Iā€™m okay with that.

3ļøāƒ£ Building Community:Ā Iā€™m grateful for the support I have in Stratford, but I know building a community here in Edmonton will take time and effort. Iā€™m committed to finding my people and creating connections. Not only am I rebuilding my business from scratch, but my community also.Ā 

4ļøāƒ£ Sharing My Story:Ā Iā€™m planning to start a YouTube channel and or podcast, even though it scares me. This idea keeps popping up for me, and itā€™s something that kind of terrifies me, which tells me there is something here for me. So Iā€™m telling you now, Iā€™m going to do it, even though it scares me. Just like this move. The more Iā€™m afraid to do something, the more I know I need to do it. So by telling yaā€™ll, Iā€™m holding myself accountable, because Iā€™m not one for empty words and when I say something, I mean it!

Sharing my journey and inviting others to share their stories will help us all feel more connected and remind us that the universe works in mysterious ways. Iā€™m a little in my head about what Iā€™m going to talk about, Iā€™ll be sharing more of my story, my past, how I got to be where I am today, but I donā€™t want it to be all about me, and I no longer have a crystal store to hide behind.

When I was home in Ontario, getting tattoos with my bestie, her tattoo artist shared a beautiful story that reminded me there are no coincidences. Over the years, Iā€™ve witnessed countless incredible stories of incredible synchronicity, and I want to invite you to share yours with me if you'd like! Letā€™s remind each other that thereā€™s more to life than we often realize.

Iā€™m open for suggestions in terms of other content youā€™d like to see!

More personal stories, how to work with crystals, transforming your energy or changing your life tips and tricks? Dare I mention dating adventures and stories after 3.5 years of celibacy and focusing on myself? Let me know what you want to know!

If you have an interesting story or content suggestions, please let me know.

Iā€™d love to hear your ideas for a YouTube or podcast name too!

Iā€™ve been through several major life changes in less than a year, and it looks like the journey isnā€™t close to over yet. šŸ˜…

Thanks so for reading and for being here. If thereā€™s anything I can do to support you on your journey, donā€™t hesitate to reach out!

Sending so much love and support,

xoxo Desiree

PS. I'm still fundraising for the Walk For Down Syndrome that I'm participating in with my family in honour of my nephew Will on June 9th! I'm excited for this event, and feel it will only be the first of many! Will is a BIG part of the reason I packed my bags, sold the shop and moved here to Edmonton. His little soul was calling me out here before he had even been born.

All proceeds go towards The Edmonton Down Syndrome Society. If you'd like to donate we would all be so truly grateful! You can do so here:

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